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narrow-gauge rails

  • 1 narrow-gauge rails

    narrow-gauge rails VERK Schmalspur f; Feldbahngleise npl

    English-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > narrow-gauge rails

  • 2 gauge

    1. noun
    1) (standard measure) [Normal]maß, das; (of rail) Spurweite, die

    narrow gauge — Schmalspur, die

    2) (instrument) Messgerät, das; (for dimensions of tools or wire) Lehre, die
    3) (fig.): (criterion, test) Kriterium, das; Maßstab, der
    2. transitive verb
    1) (measure) messen
    2) (fig.) beurteilen (by nach)
    * * *
    [ɡei‹] 1. verb
    1) (to measure (something) very accurately: They gauged the hours of sunshine.) messen
    2) (to estimate, judge: Can you gauge her willingness to help?) abschätzen
    2. noun
    1) (an instrument for measuring amount, size, speed etc: a petrol gauge.) das Meßgerät
    2) (a standard size (of wire, bullets etc): gauge wire.) die Norm
    3) (the distance between the rails of a railway line.) die Spurweite
    * * *
    I. n
    1. (device) Messgerät nt; (for tools) [Mess]lehre f fachspr; (for water level) Pegel m; (for rings) Ringmaß nt
    fuel \gauge Benzinuhr f, Benzinanzeige f
    heat \gauge Temperaturanzeige f
    pressure \gauge Druckmesser m
    rain \gauge Niederschlagsmesser m
    tyre \gauge Reifendruckmesser m
    2. (thickness) of metal, plastic Stärke f; of a wire, tube Dicke f; (diameter) of a gun, bullet Durchmesser m, Kaliber nt
    3. RAIL Spurweite f
    standard \gauge Normalspur f [o Regelspur f]
    narrow \gauge Schmalspur f
    4. ( fig: measure) Maßstab m (of für + akk)
    II. vt
    to \gauge sth
    1. (measure) etw messen
    2. (judge, assess) etw beurteilen [o einschätzen]; (estimate, guess) etw [ab]schätzen
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (= instrument) Messgerät or -instrument nt; (to measure diameter, width etc) (Mess)lehre f; (for rings) Ringmaß nt; (to measure water level) Pegel m

    pressure/wind gauge — Druck-/Windmesser m

    2) (= thickness, width of wire, sheet metal etc) Stärke f; (of bullet) Durchmesser m, Kaliber nt; (RAIL) Spurweite f

    standard/narrow gauge — Normal-/Schmalspur f

    3) (fig) Maßstab m (of für)
    2. vt
    1) (TECH: measure) messen
    2) (fig: appraise) person's capacities, character, progress beurteilen; reaction, course of events abschätzen; situation abwägen; mood einschätzen; (= guess) schätzen

    I tried to gauge whether she was pleased or not — ich versuchte zu beurteilen, ob sie sich freute oder nicht

    * * *
    gauge [ɡeıdʒ]
    A v/t
    1. TECH (ab-, aus)messen, ablehren, prüfen
    2. TECH eichen, justieren, kalibrieren
    3. fig (ab)schätzen, taxieren, beurteilen
    B s
    1. TECH Normal-, Eichmaß n
    2. Umfang m, Inhalt m:
    take the gauge of fig A 3
    3. fig Maßstab m, Norm f ( beide:
    of für)
    4. TECH Messgerät n, Anzeiger m, Messer m:
    a) Pegel m, Wasserstandsmesser m
    b) Manometer n, Druckmesser m
    c) Lehre f
    d) Maß-, Zollstab m
    e) TYPO Zeilenmaß n
    5. TECH (besonders Blech-, Draht) Stärke f, (-)Dicke f
    6. Strumpffabrikation: Gauge n (Maß zur Angabe der Maschenzahl)
    7. MIL Kaliber n (bei nicht gezogenen Läufen)
    8. BAHN Spur(weite) f
    9. SCHIFF Abstand m oder Lage f (eines Schiffes)
    G., g. abk
    1. TECH gauge ( gauges pl)
    3. hist guilder ( guilders pl)
    4. hist guinea ( guineas pl)
    5. Gulf
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (standard measure) [Normal]maß, das; (of rail) Spurweite, die

    narrow gauge — Schmalspur, die

    2) (instrument) Messgerät, das; (for dimensions of tools or wire) Lehre, die
    3) (fig.): (criterion, test) Kriterium, das; Maßstab, der
    2. transitive verb
    1) (measure) messen
    2) (fig.) beurteilen (by nach)
    * * *
    (UK) n.
    Messgerät n. (railway track) n.
    Breite -en f. (wire) n.
    Dicke -n f. n.
    Maß -e n.
    Maßstab -¨e m.
    Pegel -- m.
    Speichendicke f. v.
    abmessen v.
    eichen v.
    justieren v.
    messen v.
    (§ p.,pp.: maß, gemessen)
    vermessen v.

    English-german dictionary > gauge

См. также в других словарях:

  • Narrow gauge railway — Track gauge by size Broad gauge St …   Wikipedia

  • narrow gauge — n. 1. a width, between the rails of a railroad, less than standard (56.5 in, or 143.5 cm) ☆ 2. a narrow gauge railroad or car narrow gauge adj. narrow gauged * * * …   Universalium

  • narrow gauge — n. 1. a width, between the rails of a railroad, less than standard (56.5 in, or 143.5 cm) ☆ 2. a narrow gauge railroad or car narrow gauge adj. narrow gauged …   English World dictionary

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  • Narrow gauge lines of the Victorian Railways — NA class locomotive, preserved on the Puffing Billy Railway in the original green livery used by the Victorian Railways until 1903. Photographed at Gembrook in 2006. The former Victorian Railways, the state railway authority in Victoria,… …   Wikipedia

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  • narrow gauge railroad — A railroad having a width between the rails of less than the standard gauge …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad — Durango Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad Locale La Plata County and San Juan County, Colorado Dates of operation 1881–present Track gauge …   Wikipedia

  • Mount Gretna Narrow Gauge Railway — One of the 24 inch gauge 4 4 0 locomotives of the Mt Gretna Narrow Gauge Railway. The Mount Gretna Narrow Gauge Railway was a 2 ft  (610 mm) gauge narrow gauge line of the Cornwall and Lebanon Railroad in the state of… …   Wikipedia

  • Gauge — Gauge, n. [Written also gage.] 1. A measure; a standard of measure; an instrument to determine dimensions, distance, or capacity; a standard. [1913 Webster] This plate must be a gauge to file your worm and groove to equal breadth by. Moxon. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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